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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sacred History Becomes Prayer

A catechist shared with me the story of a 2nd grade boy in her atrium.  This little boy is very sweet, but sometimes (as with all 2nd grade boys), you might wonder if he's really "getting" it. Then there is a day like last week:

This child loves to prepare prayer for the class.  Last week, his prayer was especially involved.  He brought over two small tables (chowkis) and put them in front of the prayer table.  He took a trip over to the blue (unity) strip which is the long timeline that maps out sacred history from the Creation to the Redemption (Jesus) to the time when God will be All in All (the Parousia--we say it Pair-uh-see-uh).  Then he took some adding machine paper and made a quick timeline of his own, making sure to have the Redemption and Parousia marked out.

Once he was finished, he brought his rudimentary timeline back to the chowkis and taped it on (for good measure).  Then he went to the shelf and found the Nativity material which he placed over the timeline where it said "Redemption."  Next he went to the other side of the room and got the Leaven work.  If you remember, the leaven work reflects on Jesus' words:

"The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman took 
and mixed in with 3 measures of flour till it was leavened through."

This work he brought and placed on his timeline where it was marked "Parousia."  

It was about now when the catechist couldn't hold herself back a moment longer and had to ask, "Will you tell me about your work?"

The child explained that the Redemption was the time that Jesus came, and the Parousia is when the Kingdom comes, and the Leaven is about the Kingdom.  Another assistant (who happened to be his mother), then asked: "Oh, is it like the present and then the future?"

"No," the child responded. "Because I think that the Kingdom is happening right now, too.  I really think it is both the future AND the present."

"The Kingdom of Heaven and the Leaven" is a presentation that the child first receives in Level I, when they are 3 or 4 years old. This is truly synthesis at its best: unlooked for and unasked for by the adult, but diligently and fruitfully sought by the child.