Welcome to our archived site of the work of CGS at All Saints Parish up to April of 2018!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Original Bonus Baby

It is always interesting when children eavesdrop on adult conversations. You never know what ideas they get in their heads when they think they know what you're talking about, but they really don't.

Recently, our family had a lovely visit from a parishioner who brought us a meal to celebrate the birth of our baby boy, David. She enjoyed holding him and telling stories of her family. As usual, my older girls gathered round to listen in, and put their oar in whenever they could find a space.

We were talking about how much more you appreciate the little babies when you are older. I had my first baby 13 years ago and with the huge learning curve for the first one and toddlers to distract me for the other four, this is my first baby that I have really been able to enjoy from the start!
Adorable pic of David taken by Emily Perry at Emily Perry Images
When our guest shared about how blessed their family has been by "bonus babies," our 8-year-old piped in wanted to know what a bonus baby was.

"Well," I began, carefully, "when a couple thinks that they aren't going to have any more children, then God blesses them with one, people call that a bonus baby."

"Oh," she said, "like your friend Mary?"

I explained to our guest that after miscarrying her second child, my friend Mary was told that she had less than a 1% chance of having children again, but after being anointed with Lourdes water at a healing mass, she WAS blessed with another child, and is now expecting her 6th!

"That's one way to look at it, but that isn't exactly what people mean," I told Leah. "Usually a "bonus baby" is a blessing a couple receives when they are older and don't expect to have more children."

"Ooooooh!" She said, as the lightbulb went off in her head. "Like Abraham and Sarah when they had Isaac!"

We all laughed and concurred that she got the concept this time. "Yes," I told her, "I think Isaac must have been the original bonus baby!"

Monday, November 2, 2015

The Best Thing I Ever Did

About 11 years ago, someone invited me to take a class on how to teach preschool religion. I had an almost-preschooler and a new baby. The cost was a bit steep at $375, but everyone spoke so highly of this 8-day course, I decided to go for it. After a few days in the course, I was more than intrigued by the formation - I was hooked! That was when I realized that this was only Part ONE of the Level I course, and that the following summer would be another 8 days and another $375! But it was too late. I was already sold. Eleven years later I will still tell you it is the best thing I did for my faith, my parenting, and maybe my life!

Not everyone begins formation for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd as blindly as I did. I showed up the first day unaware that this was more like a college course than a workshop. Even if it was more educational than I forsaw, it was also far more of a spiritual investment than I expected.

Ever since that summer in 2004, I have been telling everyone I knew to give some time to be formed in CGS, and if they can manage it, to get trained in all three levels (270 hours!) In the years since I was trained, things have changed quite a bit in our area. The biggest change is that we have local trainers, and the cost and format of the trainings have been streamlined.

About 2 years ago, with much prayer and trepidation, I began the discernment process of working to become a formation leader for Level I of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. It was about 6 weeks ago that I received my recognition as a formation leader from the National Association. I have long desired to open this opportunity to adults who are not quite ready to make the commitment to be catechists, but who have been hearing of the spiritual fruit that is coming from these incredible formation courses and want to come and see!

I am thrilled to announce that as part of our Adult Faith offerings at All Saints, we will be offering a national Level I course (serving 3-6 year old children) beginning in January for a parishioner rate of $60 for the whole course! (Out of parish participants will pay $300 for all 90 hours).

For more information about CGS, this course, or to register, check out our parish website: www.dmallsaints.org/cgs or our blog at allsaintscgs.blogspot.com. Class size is limited to the first 15 participants (and it is my secret hope that many of them will be MEN). I hope to see you on the first day, January 16th!