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Monday, June 30, 2014

Catechist Humor

Who Forms Whom?

I'm blessed to be writing this week's article from a Formation Leader's Training Course in sunny (and maybe a little muggy) Georgia.  As I've sat and listened to some of the most illustrious names in the Montessori and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd worlds, I am struck by the mysterious and simultaneous gift that the child is for us: he is both our student and our teacher.

We are always thinking of how we can better form our children, raising them up in the faith we love.  Parents spend much time learning how to care for their child, and preparing for the work of teaching them all they must know to be happy, healthy, and wise when they are grown. But which of us could completely become who we were made to be without the influence of a child?

Who else but the child can teach his parents to forget themselves and to pour themselves out for love? Who can teach us patience in the way a child can?  Who can teach us wonder like a child who discovers a little bug or a violet in the middle of a grassy yard?  Who can teach us to slow down like the child who cannot hurry? Who can teach us joy like the child who lives fully in the moment, and gleefully enjoys every touch and smile and look of love from her parents?  Who else can show us what it is to choose to forgive and love without limits those who are poor, those who are rich, those who are old or young? Who can teach us about true beauty except the child who sees to the heart and finds beauty in everyone who loves him?  Who can teach us to love without limits or conditions like the child who is love?

Our Lord said, "Unless you turn and become as little children, you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Learning to meet the needs and honoring the values of the children in our lives are a built-in exchange of formation between the child and the adult. Without the children in our lives, we may never discover who we are made to be. But we must listen to them, and we must be humble enough to learn what it is they are teaching us.

"I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, you have revealed them to childlike. Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will."  Matthew 11:25-26