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Monday, October 20, 2014

Open to Life

As parents of 5 daughters, the second most common question we're asked (after "All girls?!") is usually, "Are you trying for a boy?" Our canned answer is most often: "No, we were thinking of going for a volleyball team." But if I were to tell you a desire deep in my heart, it would be to have a son, and to have a son who would grow up to be a priest.

After losing Baby Jude last fall, however, it has been a bit of a struggle to remain open to life.  Not just open with our actions, but also in our hearts. As I am sure is the case for many couples experiencing infertility or secondary infertility, risking hope and facing disappointment is a roller coaster that is really hard to ride.

But the practice of being open to life is a lot bigger than being willing to accept a pregnancy if it comes. It's being willing to let God surprise you with his answers to your prayers. It is a decision to live without a guarded heart, and instead cultivating an inner life that is ready to receive whatever gifts may come.

Enter Daniel.

While Matt and I were in Phoenix for the International Celebration of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd we met an incredibly joyful young man who is absolutely full of life named Daniel.  He is a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Manizales in Colombia. Through an incredible chain of events, Matt and I have "adopted" this young man into our own family and with the help of Father Harris and Bishop Pates, we have received the extraordinary permission from Daniel's own archbishop and seminary director to have Daniel assigned to All Saints Parish for his internship this December!


I can tell you I never in a million years guessed that God might give me the gift of a "son of my heart" in the form of a seminarian from Colombia! But I also realize that to be surprised by the grace and Spirit of God, both my husband and I had to be ready and willing to receive it. 

With all the hard things and hurts that this life brings, it is tempting to build walls and protect our fragile hearts. But if we are ever to experience the power of God in our lives, we must be open. Only then will we be able to receive God's mercy and grace when He surprises us with the gift of abundant Life!

God's Blessing on you and your families this week and always,

Mandie DeVries, Director of Religious Education

Faith Formation Begins at Home is a weekly article I write for our parish bulletin and sometimes post here. It offers a perspective of the domestic church and the idea that forming the life of faith must begin and be sustained in the home.