Welcome to our archived site of the work of CGS at All Saints Parish up to April of 2018!

Monday, March 29, 2010

How the Mass Began

The last class before Holy Thursday, we always have a special presentation for the children in both Level I and Level II. This presentation is called the Cenacle and is named for the upper room where the apostles and Jesus celebrated the Passover meal that was the setting for the institution of the Holy Eucharist!

The material is nearly the same for both atria, and we use 12 little 3D apostles and 1 3D Jesus to represent the real apostles and Jesus on that night. There are also little candlesticks and candles, and a plate with bread (paten) and a cup with wine (chalice).

We prepare the children by saying that during this meal, Jesus spoke words that had never been spoken before: "This is my body," and "This is my blood." As we read the red "Last Supper" booklet containing the pertinent scriptures, the catechist moves the figures to retell the story. We finish the Level I presentation by recalling what happened in the Garden of Gethsemene after this meal.

"We know that something very sad happened. The soldiers came and arrested Jesus, and the next day... he died." (At this, the catechist extinguishes the candles). Many of the smallest children and some older ones audibly gasp upon hearing this... not because they may not have known it already, but because it really is an amazing thing that Jesus truly died for us! The catechist continues, "But we know that Jesus did not remain in the darkness of death! (relights candles) On Easter morning, he rose again!"

The Level II presentation continues after this point into a presentation called "The Origin of the Eucharist." The catechists remembers with the children how Jesus rose and appeared to the apostles over the course of the next 40 days until his Ascension into heaven. Then the apostles return (and the catechists replaces the apostles around the table in the upper room), and celebrate the Eucharist (probably Peter said the words of Jesus: "This is my body" and "This is my blood"), and Jesus became present to them in the bread and wine. But the apostles grew old, and other faithful men were appointed bishops to succeed them. (At this point we bring in a 2D bishop to represent many bishops that were appointed), and as the Church grew, these bishops appointed other men, called priests, to assist them (now we replace the bishop with a 2d priest).

Now this is the best part: "Over the centuries, bishops and priests have continued to repeat the words of Jesus--bringing the gift Jesus wished to give to all people of all times, his presence in the bread and wine. Even to this present day, priests and bishops continue this apostolic ministry. (Now the backdrop is turned around to reveal the picture of our own parish church!) So that we all can receive the gift of Jesus, even here at All Saints!"

The children's "oohs" and "aahs" were very sweet, especially the children who have seen this presentation for the past 3 or 4 years and never knew what was on the other side of the backdrop! This is a concrete presentation to help us all understand how we are a part of what happened in that room 2000 years ago on Holy Thursday, and it helps us to have a great respect for our priests and bishops who bring us this gift that Jesus wished to share with all people of all times: His very Self!!!

God be with you all this Holy Week!

Mandie DeVries,
Catechist and Director of Faith Formation


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