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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Level II Sept. 2010 – The History of the Kingdom of God

Each year in Level II, the first 3-4 weeks are spent reflecting on “The History of the Kingdom of God”. This is done through several different presentations (lessons), but they all carry the same message and have the same direct aim. This is done because the 6-9 year old child no longer loves repetition, however, they still need it. In this way they receive repetition without getting tired of the material because it is presented in a new way each week.

In the first moment (usually the first week) we simply discuss and contemplate with the children on the History of the Kingdom of God. The following week we present “La Fettuccia” or The Ribbon. This LONG ribbon really gives a visual of the great time and care God took in preparing the world for us and in unfolding His plan for our redemption and eternal happiness. Finally the children see the Blue Strip. This is basically a smaller version of the La Fettuccia which makes it easier to work with on a regular basis. It also contains symbols and scripture passages, again giving the children a new point of interest.

The Mute Strip goes along with this and is presented to the older children. The mute strip is a smaller version of the Blue strip and, as is left almost completely blank. The children then use the Blue strip as a guide while they place the symbols and scripture verses on their own.

During these presentations, we focus with the children on the three great moments, Creation, Redemption and Parousia. We begin with creation, the great gift and long work of God. As I said, we talk about the time a care which God took in preparing the world for us. The children love to discuss what kinds of plants and animals God created. God gave us every kind of plant and animal, both to help us and simply for our enjoyment.

Then when the earth was ready God created us! Humans were given the gift of intelligence, thus we could use our hands to work and transform things God had prepared for us. As the presentation continues, we see that much more time passed and then God, although he had already given us everything we needed, wanted to give us something even more, the gift of His Son.

This brings us to the second great moment, Redemption, when Christ came and died for our sins and rose on the third day so that we might have eternal life. From the time of Redemption until today the light of Christ has been spreading. One child was excited to add that "We help spread this light!", and she was exactly right. We have been given these great gifts and now we chose how we are going to respond with our lives. We refer to our time and our place in the History of the Kingdom of God as the "Blank Page" that we are writing on along with God. Each person is writing on the blank page, each person is an important part of this History. We don't know how long this time will last, but at the end of this time we know that Christ will come again.

This is our third and final moment called Parousia. We are waiting with great hope for this time when there will be no more pain, sadness or death and when God will be all in all. Another child commented that they hoped we were very close to this wonderful time. The children I've had in the atrium, respond to these presentations with prayers of thanksgiving. "Thank you for creating the plants and animals!" "Thank you for creating us!"

I have to add that a friend of mine recently as the question "Is good still winning or does evil now have the upper hand?" He intended for it to be somewhat rhetorical, however I had just given the above presentation and felt that it had something for him. In the History of the Kingdom of God, we see God's great plan for mankind and that he has always been active in this plan. This is no different for today, God has not abandoned us, he is ever present to us, particularly in the Eucharist. Good has already won, God has already won. In the struggles and pain of everyday life, and when we look at the events taking place in this world it may not always seem like it, but we know the end result, and we wait with great hope and expectation for the time in which "God will be all in all"!

Liz Stone, CGS Catechist and Assistant Director of Faith Formation

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