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Monday, January 24, 2011

Level II-Moral Parables

A couple weeks ago in level II, the children were presented the Synthesis of the Kingdom Parables of Growth. The children are familiar with these parables from level one. If you would like to read more about the Kingdom parables please take a look at the latest level I post.

This past week we moved into the Moral Parables. At this age (6-9) children are very sensitive to what is right and wrong, fair and unfair. The moral parables begin to feed that need in them and help answer some of their questions.

We began with the Good Samaritan Lk. 10:30-37. The children were eager to answer Jesus question “Which of these, in your opinion, was neighbor to the man?” It was very clear to them that it was the Samaritan man because he “…treated him with compassion” Lk. 10:37a They commented that the man might have been surprised that holy men from his own city would pass him by, but this Samaritan would treat him as a friend. In relating this to their own lives, they determined that we should treat all people as our neighbors! “Then go and do the same.” Lk. 10:37b

In the upcoming weeks we will continue to focus on the moral parables, each one giving a new message which encourages moral virtue. These are some of my favorite presentations in level II and I am looking forward to reflecting on them with the children!

~Liz Stone, CGS Catechist and Assistant Director of Religious Education

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