Welcome to our archived site of the work of CGS at All Saints Parish up to April of 2018!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Little Theologians

The early weeks of Level II are finished now, and it has already been a great year!  Over the first few weeks the catechists and assistants are using the opening presentations (lessons) to help us see where the children's interests are and where they are in their understanding of the faith.

I have to say that in my own Level II atrium at 3:50, I was blown away by the 6 year olds during "part one" of a presentation called "La Fettuccia."  This presentation gives an overview of the big picture of the History of the Kingdom of God: the Creation, the Redemption, and the Parousia (we pronounce it Pair-oh-see-uh).

I was narrating the story of creation and got right to the part where: "God made man in his image. In the image of God He created him. Male and female he created them."

Then the children interrupted.

One said, "Human beings don't do what God wants them to do."
Another responded, "Yes they do!"
Child 3: "Not always.  Sometimes they do bad things."
Child 4: "Why would God make people to do bad things?"
Child 3: "God didn't make them to do bad things, but sometimes people just make bad choices."
Child 5: "Oh you guys, this all goes back to the garden with Adam and Eve and the apple!"

We ended up finishing our presentation and talking about God's gift of himself (the Redemption) and about the time when "God will be all in all" at the Parousia.  It was a profound moment for me though, as I watched the group of little theologians head off to put their shoes back on.  They have much to teach us, and I am continually humbled by the opportunity to watch them (and in some small way, help them) grow in their knowledge and faith!

~Mandie DeVries
CGS Catechist and DRE