These last few and upcoming weeks are the capstone and pinnacle of our studies. If you have read this blog before, you might remember that we do 5 typology studies in CGS Level III. Typology is just a fancy word for seeing "types" or "ties" between Old and New Testament events, as they both point to a future reality that we call "Parousia"--what we adults might call the end of time, but which the children call that time "when God will be All in All." 1 Corinthians 15:28.
Moses is one of these typologies. After meditating (discussing and thinking hard) about the connections between crossing the Red Sea and Baptism, between Moses and Jesus, and even manna and the Eucharist, our study turns to the present.
One of the sad realities of the past 100 years, and really the past 2000 years, is that the Jewish people have sometimes not been accepted in the countries to which they have spread (diaspora). The children (especially our American children) really have a hard time understanding the reality of something like the Holocaust, or as the Jewish people call it, the Shoah, because they can't imagine a world where one "people" considers itself so superior to another that it can treat them worse than animals or insects. Hopefully this will be true for their whole lives.
Our last reflection on the History of the Jewish people (for now!) is that the Jewish people are still waiting. They wait for the promises which the Lord has made to them that He will send a Messiah. When that Messiah comes:
God Bless,
Mandie DeVries
Level III catechist and Director of Religious Education