Welcome to our archived site of the work of CGS at All Saints Parish up to April of 2018!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Proclaiming the Kingdom of God

At the beginning of the year in Level III there is a strong focus on the Kingdom of God: the History (from Creation, to Redemption, to Parousia), the Gifts (from the beginning of Creation that were prepared for humans, to the gift of other people, to the great gift of Jesus especially in the Eucharist), and the Plan that existed in the mind of God from all eternity: to unite all people and things in a universal (cosmic) communion of love!

Sometimes the children flow right along with the presentations, and sometimes it takes a little while for them to get back in the swing of thinking about these great mysteries.  When some young boys were working with the "History of the Gifts" material, we came upon the question: 

"Of all the gifts you have received, which is the greatest?"

For one of these boys it was very difficult to choose.  Finally it came down to a toss up between YouTube and Play Station 3.  A second boy tipped the scales when he said definitely Play Station 3.  The third boy who was younger than the other two was still writing the card that reflected on the gift of other people and was writing names of those with whom he had a special relationship.  So we posed the question to that young man.  "Of all the gifts you have received, which is the greatest?"

He turned from his work and said firmly, "Uh, Life?! Come on guys, get with the program!"

The other two boys then realized that YouTube and PS3 wouldn't mean much to them if it weren't for the gift of life, so they quickly changed their answers.  I love how the younger boy was able to proclaim this truth and help his friends become even more aware and grateful for just how greatly God has gifted them. I didn't have to say a word.