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Monday, May 9, 2016

The Widow's Mite

A friend recently attended Mass where the priest spoke to the parents of young children in this way: "You know, many mothers and fathers are afraid to attend Mass with their little ones because they as adults can't pay attention like they did when they went without children. They can't hear the homily as attentively, they can't pray as reverently. In fact, they may be trying their best just to keep the grace/sin meter in the positive for the duration of the Mass! But remember, God doesn't measure our lives based on how much we give. Think of how he considered the bounteous donations of silver and spices to the temple treasury by the rich Jews of his time. Of course they could give, and they could give without it hurting one bit. Jesus focused on the woman who gave just two mites. Why? Because she gave all she had." 

Be of great courage when Mass is hard with young children. God will bless your efforts and multiply your gift generously. Sometimes you even get to see the fruits of your sacrifice while the children are still young. As we contemplate how the Holy Spirit came upon his Church, gathered together in the upper room so many centuries ago, I give you a few stories collected over the past few weeks of how that same Spirit fills the children with spontaneous joy and love:

Last weekend, I attended Mass at a different parish in order to celebrate my friend's daughter's baptism. The homily for the Ascension was preparing for this weekend's Pentecost celebration. The priest was entreating all of us to be ready to say YES to the Holy Spirit. Mary, he said, was the first to receive that outpouring at the Annunciation. She was there at Pentecost telling everyone, "Say YES!" A little 3-year-old boy in the front pew (under it, actually), spontaneously shouted in response, "YES!" The good monsignor was a little taken aback, as he meant to prepare us all to say yes NEXT Sunday, but since when have you heard of a 3 year old waiting patiently for anything, least of all the Holy Spirit!

That story reminded me of 8:30 Mass a couple of weeks ago. As Father Harris said the words, "This is my body, which will be given up for you" and held up the newly-consecrated host, the silence of the community was broken as a just-turned-3-year-old girl exclaimed, "Mommy! It's a miracle!"

And one last story...

After that mass, a parishioner shared that the previous weekend her husband was heading to Saturday night Mass on his own, because he was taking their toddler son to the grandparents' house the next morning. When the little boy noticed his daddy driving away, he asked, "Where Daddy go?" His mom explained that Daddy was going to Mass, at which point the little boy ran to the front door and tried to put on his shoes in a hurry as he kept repeating, "Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!"

Remember, it's not how much you give, but how much of yourself that you give. When we give all we have, God pours out His blessings in abundance!

The Widow's Mite by James Christensen

May the Holy Spirit bless you!
Mandie DeVries, Director of Religious Education

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