Welcome to our archived site of the work of CGS at All Saints Parish up to April of 2018!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Precious Pearl

After an awesome weekend at the YOUTH 2000 Eucharistic Retreat, I was trying to decide what I could write about this week, when this email from a parent showed up in my inbox. We are blessed and privileged to collaborate with parents in forming the faith of their children. Occasionally we get to hear a story like this one:
Hi Mandie.  I am constantly amazed and awed by the ways that CGS has affected and shaped my children's spiritual life. Something happened last night that brought such joy to my heart, I want to share it with you, and any of the other catechists that you think would like to hear it. 

Last night, I was drying my six-year-old's hair during our bedtime routine.  She was super-talkative, as always at bedtime (I know, hard to imagine- she never opens her mouth in public), and she had a particular story she was excited to share with me. My husband went to the men's conference yesterday, and he had shared with her the story of the male model, Mario St. Francis.  Her translation went something like this:

"So Dad said there was this guy who was a model.  He was rich and he had everything you could want.  But one day, he realized that Jesus was more important, so he gave all that up so that he could follow him.  And mom, it made me think of the story Jesus told, about the merchant and the pearl?  He sold everything he had so he could get the precious pearl, which of course, is the kingdom of God.  So this guy gave everything up because he realized that God was more important!  He has the kingdom of God too!"  

I am sure there is much more to the real story of this model, but because of CGS, she keyed into the most important part.  And she had a real reference point so that when she heard of a story of someone who loves God and understands what is truly of value in this world, she made the connection and got excited about recognizing the truth in it.  What more can we ask for as parents? Her eyes were shining with joy for the man that he had "figured it out" too.

I thank God frequently for my "chance" meeting with you and All Saints.  I am so grateful for all the hard work you and everyone in the program puts into it every day in every way.  Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart; and never ever doubt that you are doing the work of The Holy Spirit!

Love and Peace,

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